About Us

Teachers’ educational assistance for interactive hands-on browser-based online open knowledge for students

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We are TeachBooks

Starting from the need to share educational materials in various forms with students, we have started a platform for teachers and students assistants to collaborate and share interactive textbooks.

Our philosophy is to make it possible, practical and fun for all teaching teams, regardless of experience. Because while TeachBooks can be made by individuals, we’ve seen that a team of teachers and student assistants can make a TeachBook that’s more accessible, attractive, and more interactive than any one person could make alone. Such a team can work together on both content as innovative features, collaboratively creating a deep learning experience.

We’d like to share our experiences and platforms with anyone, and to learn and promote your content and TeachBook features as well! So whether your teaching team is unfamiliar and lost in the nerdy world of interactive books, or whether you’re an expert having created your own library of TeachBooks with custom features: share and collaborate with the biggest and most effective teaching team you were ever part of!

How TeachBooks Works

The number of tools and skills needed to build a Jupyter Book for the first time, let along edit and maintain it, can be overwhelming. On the other hand, most of them are quite simple, and are easy to pick up slowly over time. Therefore, TeachBooks creates products to make the start as smooth as possible: a template and a manual. These are things that anyone can start with, regardless of experience.

How to collaboratively create books

Working together to create new books or improve existing ones is so much fun! TeachBooks aims to make this easier through a structured process, combining Git and our tools to streamline book-editing. In fact, it can be boiled down to a few key steps: the TeachBooks workflow, illustrated here. These steps are designed to be accessible to anyone, no matter their experience level, as part of the book-writing process.


Fall 2022

the first teachbook

Staff at Delft University of Technology discovered the concept of interactive books and created our very first TeachBook, marking the start of our journey.

Fall 2022
December 2022

teachbooks first used in a classroom

TeachBooks made its classroom debut in Delft University of Technology, helping students and teachers in a real-world learning environment.

December 2022
Fall 2023

the mude book

A customised TeachBook was created for the Modelling, Uncertainty and Data for Engineering course, featuring dynamic figures, interactive tests, and tailored content.

Fall 2023
March 2024

Platform and Template Launch

We officially launched the TeachBooks platform and released our first template book, making it easier to create and collaborate.

March 2024

ADoption and development

The TeachBooks community started to grow with many users and a few key developers taking their role

December 2024

Open-Education End-of-Year ImpulsE FUNDING

Fuelled by an impulse funding from the Open Education / Open Science program of Delft University of Technology, multiple tools have been developed/improved and many visualisations for both outreach and the manual were created.

December 2024

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