Auto-updating packages

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Dennis van den Ouden-van der Horst and Tom van Woudenberg implemented a way of automatically getting notifications of updated packages used within your TeachBook! Most of our extensions are packages, which are regularly updated with improvements. You don’t want to miss those, do you?

Before, our GitHub workflow was implemented in such a way that you could fix the version of packages, or it would take a new version (at most once every week) whenever you update your book. This might lead to unexpected changes when new versions come out, although new versions are in general backwards compatible. Now, we’ve implemented GitHub’s Dependabot to notify you whenever there are updates, so that you can decide whether or not to adopt the newest version (Dependabot was implemented a few weeks before to auto-updated external books inside your book too)! Recent updates are for example our image inverter to which a switch was added whether or not by default to invert images in dark-mode.

This implementation is described in our manual! Please reach out to us for feedback, tips or ideas!

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