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Exercise 3.1.1#
Use the print()
function and an f-string to make a statement about some car using all variables stored in the car_info
Type your code here where the three (...
) dots are placed. Do not change the name of the variables.
car_info = {
'top_speed' : '229', #km/h
'type' : 'Opel Astra'
message = ...
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=0, arguments=[car_info, message])
Exercise 3.2.1#
Write a lambda function that converts a number from degrees to radians.
Type your code here where the three (...
) dots are placed. Do not change the name of the variables.
from math import pi
DegToRad = ...
angle = 20 # Degrees
print(f"An angle of {angle} Degrees is equal to {DegToRad(angle):.3f} radians")
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=1, arguments=[angle,DegToRad])
Exercise 3.2.2#
Write a lambda function that takes four inputs: \((x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2)\) and computes the Euclidian distance between point 1 \((x_1,y_1)\) and point 2 \((x_2,y_2)\).
Type your code here where the three (...
) dots are placed. Do not change the name of the variables.
from math import sqrt
distance = ...
x1, y1 = 1, 1
x2, y2 = 4, 4
print(f"Distance between points ({x1}, {y1}) and ({x2}, {y2}) is {distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):.3f}")
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=2, arguments=[distance])
(Fixing) Exercise 3.4.1#
Fix the syntax errors so it prints “AES” without removing the variable that holds it. You’ll need to fix 2 errors.
def get_abbreviation():
my abbreviation = "AES"
return my abbreviation
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=3, arguments=[get_abbreviation])
(Fixing) Exercise 3.4.2#
Solve the runtime error so all values of \(B\) are printed. The output after running create_string_from_lists()
should be the following:
A[0] = 2
B[0] = 5
A[1] = 3
B[1] = 6
A[2] = 4
B[2] = 7
B[3] = 8
def create_string_from_lists():
s = ""
A = [2, 3, 4]
B = [5, 6, 7, 8]
for i in range(4):
s += f"A[{i}] = {A[i]}\n"
s += f"B[{i}] = {B[i]}\n"
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=4, arguments=[create_string_from_lists])
(Fixing) Exercise 3.4.3#
Find the semantic error in this function:
def factorial(x):
"returns the factorial of x"
if x == 0:
return 1
return x ** factorial(x-1)
check your answer!
To check your answer in a Jupyter Lite session, simply run the following line of code immediately after your code implementation.
If your are in Google Colab just run the cell bellow.
check.notebook_3(question_number=5, arguments=[factorial])