Credits and License#

You can refer to this book as:

<editors> (<year>) <title>. <url to book website>. Source files at <link to github repo

You can refer to individual chapters or pages within this book as:

<Title of Chapter or Page>. In <editors> (<year>) <title>. <url to specific page on book website>. Source files at <link to specific commit / file in github repo

We anticipate that the content of this book will change significantly. Therefore, we recommend using the source code directly with the citation above that refers to the GitHub repository and lists the date and name of the file. Although content will be added over time, chapter titles and URL’s in this book are expected to remain relatively static. However, we make no guarantee, so if it is important for you to reference a specific location/commit within the book.

How the book is made#

This book is created using open source tools: it is a JupyterBook that is written using Markdown and Jupyter notebooks. Additional tooling is used from the TeachBooks initiative to enhance the editing and reading experience. The files are stored on a [public GitHub repository](<link to GitHub repo>). The website can be viewed at <link to book website url>. View the repository README file or contact the authors for additional information.


This manual is CC BY 4.0 licensed allowing you to share and adapt the material, as long as the source is named. External resources that are reused in this manual are listed below.

External resources#

Parts of this book are taken from other external resources and reused in various ways. If an author is not listed on a particular page, it is by the Authors, except as follows:

The following pages are included directly from an external resource and is not edited by <Editor>:

  • page . Original content licensed under CC BY 4.0 License

The following pages contain content written by others, part of has been reused and/or modified by <Editor>

  • Page include text from Moore [Moo23]. Original content licensed under CC BY.

About the Editors#
