Exercise 3: Change book configuration

Exercise 3: Change book configuration#

As we’ve added some content by now, let’s make this book a bit more personal! We’ll make some changes to the _config.yml file which changes the configuration of the book website.

  1. Go to the the file book/_config.yml on your GitHub repository - Code - Book - _config.yml - Edit this file

  2. In the Edit field, change the author which will be shown in the footer of the book website.

  1. In the Edit field, change the title of your homepage which will under the logo and above the table of contents

  1. In the Edit field, change the repository url which will be used to allow other people to open your repository, suggest edits and open issues as shown in top right corner of the built book under .

  1. Click Commit changes

  2. Add a message and description of your change

  3. Select Commit directly to the main branch (this adds your change your change to the default version instead of making a new one)

  4. Click Commit changes

  5. Go to Actions - The most recent workflow run Update _config.yml / the commit message of the commit you just made - Wait for it to finish - In the summary, click on the link of your book shown in the table Branches deployed and under Primary book at root

  6. Do you see your change? If you don’t see it click CTRL+F5/Control+F5to refresh the page.

Check your understanding

Before moving on to the next exercise, make sure you understand the following:

  • What is this special _config.yml file?

  • Changes in _config.yml can have effect on multiple pages in the book

  • The _config.yml is generally not used for adding content