Feedback, Workshop 05, Component Reliability#
General Comments#
This section is provided to all groups.
The solution is available in the main repository and posted to the Workbook.
Overall a good job; depending on whether this assignment counts as a grade for your HOS Unit seemed to influence the quality of your responses. Make sure you reflect on your answers and the solution prior to the final reports/exams in each unit.
Common mistakes included:
not specifying that you needed to take the max value of stress from the FEM model (comparing a single value to the capacity)
incorrect number of RV’s to include in the reliability analysis (the intention was to include first 3, then 4, where the 4th was changed to suit the material). Using 5 RV’s is not a good idea since you have 2 different distributions for the same random variable (even if you don’t use it).
not including the deterministic results in Q6, where it is obvious that much of the tunnel has stresses that exceed the capacity of 75 MPa, and that the standard deviation concrete capacity has little impact on this fact
Individual Grade and Comments#
This section is for your group only.
**Grade: **
Possible points: 0, 5, 7 or 9. See grading policy here.