Assignment 2#


In this assignment non-dispersive wave propagation and reflection/transmission of waves in a foundation pile, which is modelled as a bar (Figure 2), are considered. The theory was discussed in Lecture Topic 3 (model for the bar) and in Lecture Topic 8 (non-dispersive waves in an open channel).


Fig. 2 Bar model#

The 1-D wave equation describes the wave propagation in the bar:

(1)#\[\rho A \frac{\partial^2 u_x}{\partial t^2} - EA \frac{\partial^2 u_x}{\partial x^2} = 0\]

Here, \(\rho\), \(E\), \(A\) denotes the mass density, the Young’s modulus and the cross-sectional area of the pile, respectively while \(u_x\) denotes the longitudinal displacement.

Question 1#

Question 2#

Question 3#

Solution to the 1-D problem of a Semi-infinite bar#

We consider the semi-infinite rod shown in Figure 3, which has free end at \(x=0\)


Fig. 3 Bar Model with Loading#

The transient excitation (hammer blow) is represented in the following simplified manner:

(4)#\[\begin{split} F(t) = F_0, \quad 0<t<t_0\\ F(t) = 0, \quad t>t_0 \end{split}\]

where \(t_0 = \frac{L}{4c}\) (i.e., the duration of the pulse is one quarter of the time it takes for a wave to propagate through the entire bar). We assume that the bar is initially at rest.

The general solution of Eq. 1 can be written as follows (D’Alembert’s solution):

(5)#\[ u_x = u_x^+ \left(t - \frac{x}{c}\right) + u_x \left(t + \frac{x}{c}\right) \]

where, \(u_x^+\) denotes a wave propagating in positive direction, and \(u_x^-\) in negative direction. Note that we are using the arguments \(t - \frac{x}{c}\) and \(t + \frac{x}{c}\) instead of \(x+ct\) and \(x-ct\), respectively (see also Topic 8). This is convenient when dealing with non-homogeneous boundary conditions.

Question 4#

Question 5#

Question 6#

Question 7#

Question 8#

Question 9#

Question 10#

Question 11#

Question 12#


Fig. 7 Displacement Time History#

Question 13#

Solution to the 1-D problem of junction of two semi-infinite bars with different properties#

We now consider the two semi-infinite rods connected as shown in Figure 9. As indicated, a wave travels in rightward direction. Clearly, this incident wave will generate a reflected and a transmitted wave at the interface. Taking all together, we can write

(30)#\[\begin{split} u_{x, 1} = u_i\left(t - \frac{x}{c_1}\right) + u_r\left(t + \frac{x}{c_1}\right) \\ u_{x, 2} = u_t\left(t - \frac{x}{c_2}\right) \\ \end{split}\]

where \(u_i\), \(u_r\), \(u_t\) denote the amplitudes of the incident, reflected and transmitted pulses, respectively. The corresponding velocities are denoted as follows:

(31)#\[\begin{split} v_{x, 1} = v_i\left(t - \frac{x}{c_1}\right) + v_r\left(t + \frac{x}{c_1}\right) \\ v_{x, 2} = v_t\left(t - \frac{x}{c_2}\right) \\ \end{split}\]

Fig. 9 Two Semi-infinite bars with different properties#

Question 14#

Question 15#

Question 16#