Section 1: The “Fancy” race#

We are going to organize a race between cars and water in a river. At time \(t <0\), both flows are packed between \(x = -200 \mathrm{m}\) and \(x = 0 \mathrm{m}\) and hold by gates/traffic signals. We remove the gates and turn traffic signals into green at time \(t = 0\). Let’s see what is happening!


Fig. 11 Initial boundary conditions for the “fancy” race. (a) traffic flow (b) river flow.#

Figure 11 represents the initial boundary conditions for both traffic (a) and river (b) flows. They define two Riemann problems at location \(x = -200 \mathrm{m}\) and \(x = 0 \mathrm{m}\). We are going to first focus on the front of the race, i.e., the Riemann problem at \(x = 0 \mathrm{m}\). Our first objective is to draw the space-time diagram in both cases. Figure 12 provides the fundamental diagram of the traffic flow.


Fig. 12 The traffic fundamental diagram providing the model parameters#

Question 1#

The fundamental diagram in Figure 12 is quadratic in free-flow and linear in congestion. The equations are

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} Q(\rho) &= a \rho^2 + b\rho \quad &&\text{in free-flow} \\ Q(\rho) &= w(\rho_{max} - \rho) \quad &&\text{in congestion} \end{align} \end{split}\]

Question 2#

Draw the space-time diagram corresponding the Riemann problem at \(x = 0 \mathrm{m}\) considering that the traffic obeys to the LWR model (first order macroscopic traffic flow model - cf. lecture 14). You will need it to answer the following questions.

Draw the final space-time diagram with all the relevant information.

Question 3#

Let’s consider we have a referee waiting for the race at \(x = 200 \mathrm{m}\) (she will wait for the water flow too later on!).

Question 4#

Question 5#

Question 6#

Draw now the space-time diagram corresponding to the Riemann problem at \(x = 0 \mathrm{m}\) for the river flow. Please refer to the non-linear solution method in lecture 15. Remember that a python code has been provided to automatically determine the state diagram, so you only have to draw the space-time diagram. Do not use the linear approximation here, as the initial conidition is too sharp.

Question 7#

Question 8#

Question 9#

Question 10#

Question 11#

Question 12#

Question 13#

Now we focus on the rear Riemann problem at \(x = -200 \mathrm{m}\).

Question 14#

Question 15#

Question 16#