Section 3: The Race between Slugs and Rabbits (trucks and cars!)

Section 3: The Race between Slugs and Rabbits (trucks and cars!)#

NOTE: The last questions are extra material. Last year, this assignment was too long, but we didn’t want to remove it, as it may serve as a challenge for those of you that cover the material well. Besides, it is more practice material!

Now, we organize a multiclass traffic race. A platoon with \(20 %\) of trucks is waiting upstream at \(x = 0\) until the traffic signal turns green at \(t = 0\), see Figure 14 that represents the initial Riemann problem. We label the car flow as \(1\) with a density \(\rho_1\) and truck flow as \(2\) with a density \(\rho_2\). Figure 14 provides the fundamental diagrams in speed for both vehicle types and the model you should solve is given on slide 3 in the lecture 15.

The main objective is to draw the space-time diagram after the signal turns green. We are going to use two different methods. First, the linear approximation that allows you to make all calculations by yourself. However, it is clear here that the conditions for this approximation to be valid does not hold. Indeed, the jump in density between the left side (the platoon of vehicles) and the right side (void) is too high. By using then the full non-linear solution method, you will be able to assess the validity of the approximation.


Fig. 14 Initial traffic state and Fundamental diagrams in speed for each vehicle type#

Question 21#

Draw the state-space diagram using the linear approximation and determine the intermediate traffic states \(U_m\) at the front of the race.

Question 22#

Question 23#

Question 24#

Question 25#

Question 26#

Question 27#

Now, we change the right state to \((0.14, 0.02)\). The linear approximation should provide good results as the densities are close on both sides of the Riemann porblem. Calculate the intermediate state with the linear approximation. Then, use the python code to determine the intermediate state and compare the results.