Assignment 3#


Tidal wave propagation over long channels is a fundamental phenomenon in rivers and estuaries around the world. The flow velocity induced by the flood and ebb can have a detriment effect on navigation. These same flow velocities influence morphological time scales as well as water quality. The water level amplitudes along the channel influences flood risk calculations. In fact, the methods of the present assignment were developed and used by a committee headed by H.A. Lorentz to ensure that the closure of the Zuiderzee would not have detrimental effects on the rest of the Wadden sea coast. The following footage captures the situation before the construction.

Question 1#

A tide propagating over a very long channel is a progressive/propagating wave that can be represented as a harmonic wave \(\zeta(s,t)=\overline{\zeta}(s)\cos{(\omega t-ks+\alpha)}\), where \(\omega\) is the frequency, \(k\) the (real-valued) wave number and \(\alpha\) the initial phase. \(\overline{\zeta}(s)\) is the surface perturbation amplitude that varies spatially along the channel.


Fig. 10 Figure1#

Consider a progressive wave in a 7-m depth channel with an amplitude \(\overline{\zeta}(s=0)=1.1\,\mathrm{m}\), an initial phase \(\alpha=0\,\mathrm{rad}\) and a length \(L=200\,\mathrm{km}\). In absence of damping/resistance the amplitude remains constant along the channel.

Question 2#

Question 3#

Question 4#

Question 5#

Question 6#

The surface perturbation can be expressed as the real part of a complex expression: \(\zeta(s,t)=\overline{\zeta}(0)e^{-\mu s}\cos{(\omega t-ks+\alpha)}=\operatorname{Re}\left(\overline{\zeta}(0)e^{-\mu s}e^{i(\omega t-ks+\alpha)}\right)\) which can be divided in space and time components: \(\zeta(s,t)=\operatorname{Re}\left(\overline{\zeta}(0)e^{-\mu s+i(-ks+\alpha)}e^{i\omega t}\right)=\operatorname{Re}\left(\overline{\zeta}(s)e^{i\omega t}\right)\) where \(\overline{\zeta}(s)\) is the complex amplitude.

Question 7#

A hodograph is a graphical representation in the complex plane of the complex ampitude \(\tilde{\zeta}(s)=\hat{\zeta}(0)e^{-\mu s+i(-ks+\alpha)}=\tilde{\zeta}(0)e^{-(\mu+ik)s}\)


Question 8#

What is represented in the following hodograph?


Question 9#

The following figure corresponds to \(t=0, \tilde{\zeta}(0)=(1.2\,\mathrm{m})e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}}​, k=\pi 10^{−5}\,\mathrm{rad/m}\) and damping parameter \(\mu=1\cdot 10^{-5}\,\mathrm{m^{-1}}\).


Question 10#

Evaluate the relevance of each term of the general momentum equation for 1D long waves,

\[ \frac{\partial V}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial V^2}{\partial s}+g\frac{\partial h}{\partial s}+\frac{c_f|V|V}{h}=0 \]

for a typical situation of a tide propagating into an estuary. Consider an estuary with a depth of 20 m and a tide with a length of 600 km, wave height of 1 m, a period of 12h 25 min and a characteristic flow velocity of 0.6m/s, the resistance coefficient cf is equal to 0.004.

Select which statement described the importance of the term in this situation the best:

Question 11#

For a tidal wave entering an estuary, river or channel, the second term of the momentum equation can be neglected, having as governing equations the following balances:

\[\begin{split} B\frac{\partial\zeta}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial Q}{\partial s}=0\\ \frac{\partial Q}{\partial t}+gA_c\frac{\partial\zeta}{\partial s}+c_f\frac{|Q|Q}{A_cR}=0 \end{split}\]

Note that \(h\) has been changed to \(\zeta\). This transformation is possible because \(h(s,t)=h_o+\zeta(s,t)\), where \(h_o\)​ is the mean water level and \(\zeta\) is the fluctuation around this value. The resistance term can be replaced by a linearized term:

\[ \frac{\partial Q}{\partial t}+gA_c\frac{\partial\zeta}{\partial s}+\Phi Q=0 \]

This principle states that the dissipation by the linearized friction term during a tidal cycle should be equal to the dissipation by the original quadratic friction during a tidal cycle:

\[ \Phi=\frac{8}{3\pi}c_f\frac{\hat{Q}}{A_cR} \]

Be aware that \(\hat{Q}\) is in fact a guess of the maximum discharge expected and will be assumed as a known value. However, rigorously speaking, the value of \(\hat{Q}\)​ should be iterated until reaching convergence.

Question 12#

The tidal wave motion can be treated as in part 1 of this assignment, as the real part of a complex quantity \(\zeta(s,t)=\operatorname{Re}\{\tilde{\zeta}(s)e^{i(\omega t)}\}\). Substitute \(\sqrt{\frac{gA_c}{B}}=c_0\)​​ (being the phase (and wave) velocity in the absence of resistance) and apply \(\zeta(s,t)=\operatorname{Re}\{\tilde{\zeta}(s)e^{i(\omega t)}\}\) to the Telegraph equation to obtain the reduced Telegraph equation. Hint: the time dependence drops after deriving \(\zeta\).

Question 13#

By defining a relative resistance \(\sigma=\frac{\Phi}{\omega}\) and using the wave number of the undamped system instead of the corresponding phase velocity, \(k_0=\frac{\omega}{c_0}\), the equation can be rewritten:

Question 14#

Question 15#

Question 16#

Question 17#

The result from the previous question can be related to the complex amplitude defined in part 1, where the resistance and the wave number (taking into account resistance) are explicitly defined: \(\tilde{\zeta}(s)=\tilde{\zeta}(0)e^{-(\mu+ik)s}=C_1e^{-i\gamma s}\). Note that \(C_1\) can be inferred by \(s=0\). Therefore, \(C_1=\tilde{\zeta}(0)=|\tilde{\zeta}(0)|e^{i\alpha}\) and \(−i\gamma s=−(\mu+ik)s\).

Question 18#

Apply the solution of \(\tilde{\zeta}(s)=C_1e^{-i\gamma s}+C_2e^{-i\gamma s}\) to the continuity equation to obtain the complex discharge:

Question 19#

The propagation of the tide on a very long river behaves as a damped progressive wave. In other words, the tide decays as it propagates, and there is no leftward propagating wave because of the absence of a boundary at the right side, so \(C_2=0\). In other words, the river is infinite and therefore the “radiation condition” applies.


In \(s=0\) the amplitude of the tide at the entrance is \(0.85\,\rm{m}\) and its phase is \(\frac{π}{6}\), \(\tilde{\zeta}(s=0)=0.85e^{\frac{i\pi}{6}}\). The storage width is \(B=400\,\rm{m}\), conveyance area \(A_c=3600\,\rm{m^2}\) and hydraulic radius is \(R=12\,\rm{m}\). The tide has a period T of \(12\) hours and \(25\) minutes. Assume a friction coefficient \(c_f=0.0004\) and flow amplitude \(\hat{V}=0.90\,\rm{m/s}\) (\(\Phi\) has to be computed).

Question 20#

Question 21#

Question 22#

Question 23#

Question 24#