Badges, Buttons & Icons#
provides a range of features which are visually appealing and functional. These elements can enhance the interactivity and visual design of your book, offering additional information or links in a compact and visually engaging way. The badges, buttons and icons are made available through Sphinx and they themselves wrote a documentation about it.
Badges are small visual indicators often used to convey concise or important information. They can be very useful for categorising or tagging content for the reader like has been done for the subchapters under the features chapter of this manual.
There are three types of badges: plain, link and reference (for cross references within book) which are fully customizable and can simply be added with Markdown syntax:
Type |
Badge |
Code Syntax |
Plain |
plain_text |
Link |
Hidden Link |
Reference |
Here’s an overview of all the available colours:
Full Colour |
Code Syntax |
Colour Outline |
Code Syntax |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
my_text |
Icons can be included to visually represent actions or categories. They can take many shapes, such as an image or button inserted in-line within a text paragraph. Icons can be integrated using HTML syntax.
To add an icon, use the following syntax:
1. Image Icons
Let’s have a look at the first sentence of this chapter again: provides a range of features which are visually appealing and functional.
Here the Jupyter-book logo was inserted for a more professional look. It’s including a link href
and and image saved as ../images/logo-wide.svg
<a href=""><img style="display:inline-block; height:1.5em; width:auto; transform:translate(0, -0.15em)" src="../images/logo-wide.svg" alt="Jupyter book"></a> provides a range of features which are visually appealing and functional.
2. SVG Icons
A library of SVG icons can be found in the Bootstrap library.
By scrolling through the available icons in the library you can find just about any icon. Once selected, you need to copy the SVG of the icon to include it in the path
in the HTML code. This paragraph includes a globe:
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-globe" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M0 8a8 8 0 1 1 16 0A8 8 0 0 1 0 8m7.5-6.923c-.67.204-1.335.82-1.887 1.855A8 8 0 0 0 5.145 4H7.5zM4.09 4a9.3 9.3 0 0 1 .64-1.539 7 7 0 0 1 .597-.933A7.03 7.03 0 0 0 2.255 4zm-.582 3.5c.03-.877.138-1.718.312-2.5H1.674a7 7 0 0 0-.656 2.5zM4.847 5a12.5 12.5 0 0 0-.338 2.5H7.5V5zM8.5 5v2.5h2.99a12.5 12.5 0 0 0-.337-2.5zM4.51 8.5a12.5 12.5 0 0 0 .337 2.5H7.5V8.5zm3.99 0V11h2.653c.187-.765.306-1.608.338-2.5zM5.145 12q.208.58.468 1.068c.552 1.035 1.218 1.65 1.887 1.855V12zm.182 2.472a7 7 0 0 1-.597-.933A9.3 9.3 0 0 1 4.09 12H2.255a7 7 0 0 0 3.072 2.472M3.82 11a13.7 13.7 0 0 1-.312-2.5h-2.49c.062.89.291 1.733.656 2.5zm6.853 3.472A7 7 0 0 0 13.745 12H11.91a9.3 9.3 0 0 1-.64 1.539 7 7 0 0 1-.597.933M8.5 12v2.923c.67-.204 1.335-.82 1.887-1.855q.26-.487.468-1.068zm3.68-1h2.146c.365-.767.594-1.61.656-2.5h-2.49a13.7 13.7 0 0 1-.312 2.5m2.802-3.5a7 7 0 0 0-.656-2.5H12.18c.174.782.282 1.623.312 2.5zM11.27 2.461c.247.464.462.98.64 1.539h1.835a7 7 0 0 0-3.072-2.472c.218.284.418.598.597.933M10.855 4a8 8 0 0 0-.468-1.068C9.835 1.897 9.17 1.282 8.5 1.077V4z"/>
If you want to keep your files clean, you won’t like these svgs. However, your icons is probably available in one of the following icon providers.
3. GitHub Octicon Icons
GitHub icons like can be added using the syntax:
Where mark-github
can be replaced by any of the name of the icon provided here
By default the icon will be of height 1em (i.e. the height of the font).
4. Material Design Icons
The use of Material Design Icons like is explained here
5. FontAwesome Icons
The use of FontAwesome Icons like is explained here. There’s no need to add the FontAwesome CSS.
6. Combining Buttons and Icons
Icons can also be included within buttons using the icon font for a modern, professional look. The code can also be downloaded in the Bootstrap library.
This button includes a download icon alongside some text: “Download it!”.
Loving this book? Download it!
Loving this book? <a href="" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="fas fa-download"></i> Download it!