Sharing content between books in table of contents

Sharing content between books in table of contents#

User types

This page is useful for user type 3-5.

Python Package: teachbooks


When creating books, you might want to reuse material from other people or from other books you made. In some cases you might even want to have the exact same material into your book. You could do so by manually copying material over. However, whenever the source material is updated, you have to do that again. As an alternative, you can use the underlying git system to refer to the source file directly. This allows you to pick a specific version, or keep the most up-to-date version of it. This pages explains how to do so directly in the table of contents using the External Content (or External TOC) feature which is part of the TeachBooks Python package.

Previously, this book feature was implemented using submodules, but the implementation was more difficult to use. Despite this, submodules are still a widely used Git feature that can be very useful for book authors, so check out the submodules page to learn more, especially if the External TOC tool does not satisfy your needs. Submodules have a few additional features not (yet) implemented using the External TOC.


The External TOC features are not incorporated in the new deploy book workflow yet (this will happen once the workflow specifies teachbooks>=0.2.0).

What does it do?#

This functionality, part of the TeachBooks package allows you to refer to .ipynb, .md and .rst files stored on public repositories. These files are then handles as if they were normal files in your book, leading to a the file as a page in your built book. To prevent issues it validates that the external content has a permissive license, automatically combines any reference.bib files, and warns you if there’s a mismatch in requirements.txt or with plugins in _config.yml.


To use this extenstion, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the Package

Install the module teachbooks package using pip:

pip install teachbooks>=0.2.0

Step 2: Add to requirements.txt

Make sure that the package is included in your project’s requirements.txt to track the dependency:



To use the functionality, take the URL of a file and add it to your _toc.yml as follows:

format: jb-book
root: .

  - caption: ...
    - file: ...
    - external: <link to GitHub / GitLab source .md or .ipynb file>

The link can be pointing to a file on a branch (which will take the most recent version of that file on the branch) or a commit or tag (which will take a specific version of the file). For example:

  • external: will take the most recent version of the intro page of this book on the release branch

  • external: will take the file during the state of a specific commit (06d67e8).

  • external: will take the file during the state of a specific tag (v1.1.1)

If you’re building your book online in GitHub, the deploy-book-workflow will deal with these files during the teachbooks build command. If you want to build the book locally, run the command teachbooks build.

If the source file is from another book, the contents of the requirements.txt, _config.yml are checked for any missing/incompatible entries. If this leads to compatibility issue, you’ll be warned during the build which will help you solve these dependencies or plugins manually by updating your main book’s _config.yml and requirements.txt Additionally, any references.bib files are merged into your main book’s references.bib file, and the licenses of the external content are validated to allow for re-use. External content without a permissive license will result in an error to try to prevent any accidental copyright infringement.


This tool’s repository is stored on GitHub. If you’d like to contribute, you can create a fork and open a pull request on the GitHub repository.