Credits and License#
You can refer to this book as:
Van Woudenberg, Tom (2024) Extension Macaulay’s method. TeachBooks/Macaulays_method
The introduction, structure of the book and formatting of contents is done by the Editors.
You can refer to individual chapters or pages within this book as:
<Title of Chapter or Page>
(2024). In Van Woudenberg, Tom, Extension Macaulay’s method. TeachBooks/Macaulays_method
We anticipate that the content of this book will change significantly. Therefore, we recommend using the source code directly with the citation above that refers to the GitHub repository and lists the date and name of the file. Although content will be added over time, chapter titles and URL’s in this book are expected to remain relatively static. However, we make no guarantee, so if it is important for you to reference a specific location within the book. For example:
<Title of Chapter or Page>
. In Van Woudenberg, Tom, Extension Macaulay’s method. TeachBooks/Macaulays_method (./book/intro/
chapter, accesseddate
This book is CC BY licensed, meaning you are free to share and adapt the material, as long as you give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made.
How the book is made#
This book is created using open source tools: it is a JupyterBook that is written using Markdown, Jupyter notebooks and Python files to generate some figures. Additional tooling is used from the TeachBooks initiative to enhance the editing and reading experience. The files are stored on a public GitHub repository. The website can be viewed at Contact the authors for additional information.
About the Editors#
Tom van Woudenberg#

Tom van Woudenberg is a lecturer at Delft University of Technology. Equipped with a dedication to education in structural mechanics, I strive to cultivate a blended learning environment that engages students actively and rewards their efforts.
Tom graduated in 2020 at Delft University of Technology on structural optimisation. From August 2020 to August 2022, Tom worked at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as lecturer construction, specialised in structural mechanics. Since September 2022, Tom is working at Delft University of Technology.
Next to courses on structural mechanics, Tom (co)teaches courses on optimisation, numerical methods, data-analysis and statistics. Next to that, Tom supervises BSc- and MSc-students, partly on the research project of Macaulay’s method. Furthermore, Tom is actively involved in cross-faculty collaboration on PRIMECH, TeachBooks and various digital tools for teaching like ANS and Git.
TU Delft – Civil Engineering & Geosciences - Department 3MD – Section Applied Mechanics - Room 6.45
Bart Slingerland#
Bart Slingerland is a teaching assistant, who has partly written the content in this book.
Big thanks to the various colleagues (with Robert Lanzafame in particular) and teaching assistant part of the TeachBooks for developing tools and providing support to improve this book.